Monday, February 15, 2010

Wow! The speed of tech integration is awesome.

This past week I committed the tech faux pas of sending out some videos in a not-so-common format. And, more than one recipient couldn't get the files to open. Of course, Youtube would have been the best way, but I didn't see it under the 2 years of dust that accumulated since I'd last used my account.

So, over the past few days there has been a flurry of activity on many of my social media apps - Twitter, Youtube, Picasaweb, and even the antiquated (in tech terms) Googlechat; I hooked up with an old friend that I hadn't talked to in years. And of course, here's Blogger's time in the spotlight.

The main reason for all this activity (aside from being snowed out of work for a week) was the launch of Google Buzz. After I saw all the opportunities to integrate different apps to create a stream of multimedia and communication, I started to dig a little more. Now I think I've got everything set up, accessible, and pretty convenient for me to use.

I could always sit at my desk at home and upload things and make blog entries. But, between having the attention span of an ADD chimp drinking coffee and a 2 y/o at home, you can just look at my sites and see I haven't kept up very well. But, it's pretty awesome that I can take pictures or videos, or compose this blog post with my blackberry and just email it to the web. Within minutes, and most likely seconds, my additions to the webosphere will be posted.

Sent from my Verizon Wireless BlackBerry

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